Review the Grievance philosophy and industry benchmarking
The term “Grievance Redressal” primarily covers the receipt and processing of complaints from citizens and consumers, a wider definition includes actions taken on any issue raised by them to avail services more effectively. While the Government of India has made effort to systematize the nature of grievance redressal through legislation, organizations also define their customised process flows for grevance redressal and complaints management.
In field of Insurance, the regulator also closely monitors the number of customer complaints as an indicator of the business sourcing quality. Industry wide, close to 80% of customer’s dissonance is related to Sales and 20% are service related complaints. The Insurance regulator has issued revised Policyholders’ Protection Act with renewed emphasis on reporting of customer complaints and actioning of the same. The Grievance redressal policy has to be approved by the Board AAPL can assist the company in reviewing the Grievance redressal policy and also provide an insight in to industry practices of service recovery. For Insurers, this is a key indicator that is viewed by channel partners and customers too.
Review the Grievance Process and improve NPS
AAPL can help in reviewing the Grievance Process and draw linkages between the Sales Management Process and the customer complaints. Most Operations team focus on areas within their purview and try to flatten the service related complaints.
However, the larger numbers of Sales related complaints are not acted upon due to the dynamism of-
- the geographical spread of the sales force,
- accessibility to evidence of mis-sale and
- availability of the sales personnel during the complaint registration and closure.
AAPL, with its rich and varied familiarity, can help draw parallels with other industry processes and how the complaints can be used as a “re-bounce” to retain the customer and provide him a differential experience AAPL can also play an important role in management of the Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS) of IRDAi with regard to its amalgamation with the core systems and operations.